New Years Resolutions

Being overdue of posting entries should be one.

I believe I started this blog on an attempt to make blogging a new years resolution, but I have to admit it's been 3 years! and I cannot get myself to habitually make content. At the point where I started, the beauty internet world was new to me that I was immediately hooked. I knew that I loved makeup, I loved wearing makeup, I loved buying makeup and that's why I wanted to join this community. It became an addiction to see what was new and what I should buy next. Sadly, that's when I started to question my intentions for this outlet. I love makeup, that's no question. But do I really need to have 50 lipsticks?! And shamefully I know I still haven't truly understood this realization because I have a Sephora order with one more lipstick coming in the mail. 

I cannot say that this lifestyle and beauty product addiction is unhealthy for everyone. Because I am well aware that everyone has their own type of indulgences whether it be bags, shoes(another of mine), cars etc. And to each his/her own. We all work to have the means to buy what we want. If someone wants to buy every product Bobbi Brown makes, as long it makes them happy why not?

But I have come to point where my wants are in excess to my needs. The lifestyle where I feel I would be more happier tells me that I must declutter!

In the past few months I have been cleaning out my closet every other week. I have given things away that have been in my closet for over 10 years! I keep a lot of things for sentimental reasons and I just came to a point where I wanted to minimize my living. Downsizing the products I have in my life has become quite therapeutic and my actions tell me I'm going in the right direction. I still have so much stuff, but that's what I will be dedicating this next year to. 

I have gotten as far as cleaning out my closet a few times a month. I have yet to tackle my beauty products, shoes, kitchen wares! 

So here are my new years resolutions for 2015:

  • for each season, build a capsule wardrobe with 30 items. I will hopefully start this off in spring 2015.
  • clean and organize all of my kitchen items (because I have so many!) and only buy/keep essentials.
  • only buy 4 beauty products a month, and use the 1 in 1 out system. 
  • no more shopping spontaneously, especially sales! have an outline on what to buy and stick to it.
  • declutter garage.
  • have garage sales, I tend to just donate everything and I always forget that my stuff could maybe find a better home this way. 
  • invest in better workout tops. I have a nice selection of workout bottoms but my tops look shabby not chic.
These resolutions are geared towards my purchasing and decluttering goals, I have many other personal resolutions I will be working on. I am turning 30 this year and I'm hoping to make it amazing. So here's to 2015! Let the decluttering begin.


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